Friday, February 5, 2010

Family Verse

Ryan and I have been praying for God to give us verse for our family to hold onto and turn to when we need encouragement. The other night while we were at a prayer meeting I felt God calling me to a certain passage in the Old Testament, I was really suprised here Ryan and I thought we just new it was a particular place in Matthew. So I turned to the place and there it was. I quickly showed Ryan and he agreed. I am so excited to share it with y'all as well.

How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who bring good news, who announces peace, and brings good news of happines, who anounces salvation and says to Zion, "Your God Reigns!" Isaiah 52:7 NASB

Thursday, February 4, 2010


We are yet again preparing to go back to Peru in March. We are so excited about this opportunity God has given us to go to Oropesa, Cusco, Peru. The area has recently been in the middle of rainy season and they have had flooding and many people are with out homes. We are praying for these people and how God can use us when we are there. We will be going with another couple from our church and they have children they will be leaving home as well. Please pray for all of our families, for the people we encounter, Ellen-the Journey girl in Peru, and all of the people behind the scenes that will make this happen.
