Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We are here

We have made it to Honduras.  We are in La Ceiba for the next two days and then will head to our new home.   Everyone is haveing a great time, we are very tired but so blessed.   In order to type this, I have had to put a table ontop of a bed under a window and am standing on the bed so I can get a signal.   I LOVE IT!    Everyone is good.  Love to all.  Keep praying.

We are in the air

We survived our first flight of the day.   We are waiting for our final flight now.   I am not sure when I will be able to update again.   We have 4 1/2 hours to drive after our 2 1/2 hour flight.   So I think we may go straight to bed tonight.   Love to all.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We are on our way to Honduras

We are now in Atlanta.   We will be here for 11 hours before flying out to Honduras.  Whohooooooo!!!!!!!   There has been so much happening in the past few days.   Ryan was ordained as a pastor.   We sold everything.  We told all our family and friends goodbye.  Emotions were like roller coasters, it has been a wild ride...terrifying and amazing all at once.

I don't even know how to put into words the JOY and PEACE we have.  

Love to all..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some changes and an update

Okay, I (Natalie) have mostly been posting here, but Ryan and I have decided that we both want to contribute.   So, we are going to start each post with our name, so you will know who is writing.   This is going to be fun.

So, I am going to start by being honest, what's new?   Things are rough!   Yes, I knew this was coming and no, I was still not ready for it.   Ryan and I were fussy with each other and had to regroup today and get on the same page.   It has been several of days that have just been crazy weird and wild.   We had a family lunch with my parents and brother scheduled, but it had to be rescheduled and now they have the flu :(.   We had family coming in for Ryan's ordination service, but got snow instead and everything was rescheduled.   We packed our bags and were quickly overweight...onto plan b.  We sold our vehicles and had nothing to drive, Mari-Madeline had some weird virus.   You see what I mean, just a crazy week.   As, I sit here looking at it all, I can also see God at work.

Blessings during this all, I got to see a friends baby for the first time...what a gift from God.   A friend volunteered to drive us to Atlanta so we can fly out.   We sold our cars, and everything else we needed to sell.   We got to see one last snow.  More of Ryan's family is able to come to his ordination service.  We are learning what is really important when we pack.  We have our health.   This week I have learned to accept help from friends.   I am learning to let God be in control all the time!

So, even though it was a rough week, God was always there.  

We will be leaving Columbia on Tuesday February 15 and heading to Atlanta, we will overnight there and fly out early the next morning.  We have a layover in Florida and will get to Honduras just after lunch.   We will travel the rest of that day and overnight in a city.  On Thursday we finish our travel and get to our new home.

I will try and upload some pictures and update in Honduras.

Honduras Cell Number

I am going to post our cell phone number on the left side of the page.   It is cheapest for all of us if you call, leave a message and then let us call you back.   We can call the states for almost free and you are charged nothing on a land line or if it is a cell it will only go against your regular minutes-no international charge.  This is the best way to contact us--YES, the cell works in the jungle.   It may be a while before we can return the call.  We will cherish these phone call. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Honduras Palacios to Ciriboya and Limon


A very short video that show how we will travel part of the way to our village. The beach will end and then we will go by boat.

Palacios, Honduras


This is a video of our village we will be living in for a short while.
Our temporay house.  We will stay here a few weeks before moving farther down the jungle road.


Yesterday I had a "See you later" lunch with some dear gal pals.   We had agreed prior to lunch that none of would cry.   We had a great time and we laughed, I mean laughed hard, it was a soothing balm for the heart.   I had felt led to get each of us something small and something similar so we could daily be reminded of each other.   I found some small crosses that were on clearance at a local store and they all had scripture on them, I then gathered some Kleenex (just in case) and got each of them a cute luggage tag (they better come see me.)   As I was making our little gift bags I realized that each cross had different scriptures on it, I just put them in the bag and thought God will give each of us what we need.   The girls had gotten me a Spanish English bible, such a blessing so I can now lead classes with women.   When I got home I read the cross from my bag and this is what it said:
For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me
the strength I need.
...He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do
the good things He planned for us long ago...
Philippians 4:13
Ephesians 2:1
I just had to stop and reflect on that for a while.   God is my source of strength, I get that, but the reminder that through Christ Jesus I can do what God planned for me before I was ever alive.   What a concept!   I mean I knew this, it was just one of those moments where everything seems to click into place.  I just pray that through everything I do and we do as a family that God is glorified.   From packing to moving to traveling and being strangers in a new land, let God be glorified in all we do.  

Things have been so wonderful the past two days.  We have truly been blessed with friends and family.   We seem to be entering the stage of excitement and disbelief that this is really happening!   We are very anxious to begin our new journey in life.   I am sure there will be more moments of sorrow, but for now it is pure JOY!    My prayer for you today is that you can experience the joy that Christ can give us, it is an amazing thing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We are official

We have completed all of our requirements for the Honduran consulate, gotten our stamp of approval and are ready to go.   Our official move date is February 16th.   We are so excited.   On our way home from Atlanta the kids said we are ready to go now.   They are so sweet.   We have a busy schedule these last few days.  
