Monday, November 28, 2011

Season's Greetings

Wow. It has been quite a while since we have updated anything. It seems like it has been a whirl wind of activity around here. Sorry, for such a long break from the blogging, but hopefully we can update more often now.

We just finished our first Thanksgiving here and it was a blessing of a time. Mr. Mike from MS joined us for our feast and is working with Ryan for the next few weeks until he returns home. They have been working on our little house (casita) and are working with the maps looking at areas for research. They hope to head out in a week or so and visit several areas.

Yesterday, we started our Jesse tree for the Advent seasons and what a great tool that has been. Every person that comes into our home sees it and generally asks questions about it. We have been able to share with so many about Christ just through our Advent tree. God is so amazing, isn’t He? I can’t wait as each day we have our scripture reading and devotion time and then make our daily decoration for the tree, it will be one more story we can share with the people around us.

We have a young girl staying with us for a few days, so our house has been quite full, not to mention the youngsters that have found our home to be a great play area during the day now that school is out. It seems that we have had around 5-10 kids here each day from sun up to sun down. I love seeing the kids come together and forming such great relationships with one another. The kids have been swimming, fishing, coloring, playing football (soccer), and reading Bible stories each day. It is so fun to see them all enjoying their free time.

I have been busy with our kids’ school each day and with cooking for the large amount of kiddos we have running around. It seems like the days were running together and I was getting so worn down, in a good way and just when I really needed a day of rest God blessed me with it. You see it is raining something fierce today, so that means we can basically sit inside and do nothing. During a lull in the storm Ryan and I ran to little store to get some rainy day snacks, but other than that we rest. God knows just what we need when we need it. We simply have to rely on Him and He will provide in His time.

To all our family and friends we love you and are praying for you daily. We can’t wait to see you in the upcoming year. Take care and remember Christ as you go through this busy season.
