Monday, October 10, 2011

Newsletter October 2011

This blog is a little different.   I know alot of you do not recieve our monthly newsletter and wanted to make sure we shared with you the changes we will be making.   The following is the newsletter we sent out for October 2011:

Wow!   I cannot believe it is already October.   I am sure everyone back in the States is enjoying some type of fall festivities.   I really do miss the fall decorations and fall festivities from back home.   We are in full mode rainy season, but I must admit I really enjoy it.   The weather has cooled down and walks in the rain are always great fun.  Like the change of our seasons we are also having some changes in our lives here in Honduras.   Change is good and we are even reminded in Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.

In September, the missionaries we are working with presented us with the direction of the ministry for 2012.   There were many great changes being made, but there were a few that we could just not agree on and they were all issues with doctrine.   We took time to pray about it and met again with them a few weeks later to discuss the changes being suggested and at that time we all agreed that the issues of doctrine were too great and Ryan and I would not change our beliefs.   At the end of the meeting it was agreed that we would no longer continue working with them after our one year commitment.  This however left Ryan and I with lots of questions and searching for answers.   We sought council of those wiser than us and devoted ourselves to prayer and seeking God’s will on our lives and our future.  

During this time we were presented with 3 options and with none of them seeming to be any better than the other.   We continued to seek God’s will and I (Natalie) even prayed and asked God for one of those easy buttons.   During the week we saw one of the options go away and the other two needed drastic things to happen to see either one come to realization.   As the week ended God put all the pieces together for us to remain in Honduras.   Our time with the other group may be done, but our work here is not.   God provided us with a house and land, He sent people to us confirming His calling on our lives, and He spoke through our son Walker and the work he was doing.

Ryan will continue church planting and working with pastors and Natalie will continue home schooling the kids and will also start a Nutrition and Education program.   The program that Natalie will be working on creates a great way for Ryan to work in closed areas as well as allows us to develop personal relationships with those we are working with.  During the next several months Ryan will be refurbishing our new home; it comes with a little too much of the local flare…i.e. holes in the walls and dirt floors, no indoor plumbing, you get the picture. 

These changes also mean that we will be returning to States on furlough a few months early.   We will be heading to the States sometime in January and returning sometime March/April.   We will be spending this time with our family and friends as well as raising additional support.  We are so excited about getting to spend time with everyone even if it such a short while. 

I know this is a lot of information so if you have any questions or would like more information please send us an email.   We would love to hear from you or answer any questions you might have. Also, if you would like to contribute to the house refurbishing cost ($1,000) or help with our airfare ($2,500) please just let us know.  

In His Service,

Ryan, Natalie, Walker, Mari-Madeline and Lorelai McGehee


Angelo Vecchione said...

Tratto da:
“Voi cercate qualche maestro che vi aiuti a dare un senso alla vita e che vi parli di Dio, e Dio sta in voi. Cercate segni e miracoli a conferma della vostra debole fede, e non vedete il segno più grande, quello della presenza di Dio che abita in voi. Quanti cattivi maestri seguite, che vi confondono con le loro teorie, i loro sistemi, le parole vuote e talvolta menzognere, che vi lasciano tristi e senza amore! Prendete contatto con la vita divina che è in voi! Così non avrete più bisogno di proiettarvi al di fuori del vostro essere per cercare la forza per vivere e la soluzione ai vostri problemi. Cercate di scoprire lo spazio profondo del vostro spirito! Pregate lo Spirito Santo a fin che vi faccia sentire la sua presenza e vi comunichi la sua potenza. Egli lo farà e vi guiderà verso di me, vi svelerà il mio volto e vi comunicherà il mio pensiero. Io vi avvolgerò con il mio amore e vi donerò al Padre mio, che vi accoglierà e vi amerà.”
Dio Vi Benedica

Angelo Vecchione said...

Tratto da:
“La vostra umanità vive un tempo di smarrimento e di confusione. I cristiani stessi divisi fra loro e deboli nella fede, non sono più capaci di comunicare la speranza; in molti di loro sembra spenta la scintilla divina che pure dovrebbe essere ben visibile in ciascuno. Eppure anche oggi come lungo i secoli, il signore continua a parlare in molti modi, e a suscitare santi e profeti; ma la loro voce è soffocata dal clamore del mondo e dall’arroganza di molti; oppure si perde nelle lunghe navate di cattedrali vuote. Troppe voci di profeti si trasformano in grida di dolore!”
Dio Vi Benedica

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